Love Galore, 2021

A Memorial

Here lies
my love for you
and I’m grieving it
from time to time


I always liked your clumsiness
and the way you smiled 
when something silly happened
but this time your face was serious
and I could feel
that something wasn’t right

I’m sorry that it spilled
all over your jeans
just before we broke up
I guess this wasn’t a pure coincidence

Sunday Morning

we woke up with music echoing in our ears
the air was humid and cold
you walked outside and took a picture of me
with my face buried in my arms
trying to avoid the bright light of the morning
this was one of the naive moments
when I thought that feelings were everlasting

6 AM

in a crowd of people dancing
I could only see your figure
standing with a charming nonchalance
basking in the rising sun
like one of the statues in the area
that graced everybody with their silent presence

for the first time in a month
I felt inspired
and sure of the stories I wanted to tell
thank you

What We Do In the Late Night

only whispers can explain
what your body wants
and your soul craves
listen to them carefully

Souvenirs of You

it’s been quite some time since this happened
but for some strange reason
these gifts are still standing on my shelf
a lava rock from Naples
a figurine of Raichu that you stole for me
from one of the second hand stores
a cute duck made of wax from our local market
and a postcard from Berlin
with a picture that will always make me think of you

I wonder if you still have the pictures I gifted you
hanging above your bed and next to the mirror


thank you for this gift
and for the walks in the night
and for looking back after we said goodbye
just to see if i do the same thing
and for waving at me from the balcony
while I was picking up packages nearby
and for the endless texts
whei I felt the most lonely
and for the sleepy gaze of yours
that made me go all shy
I’m sorry that it ended with no words
I guess that not being the only one
was not the way to go for me

For B.

thank you for not changing at all
than you for being the sweetest
thank you for being so real

you have something special
that makes me feel at ease,
like the setting sun
that glistens so brightly
and graces the never-ending sea waves with golden light


please let me know when you get this
because I’ve been waiting
for like 3 days
or a week
or maybe two
or a month?
I don’t really know at this point
SEEN 18:23

Bittersweet infatuations, naive moments of adolescence, wounding partings, vivid memories of bliss and care, precious bonds, social media presence, the importance of dating apps in the modern world. Love Galore is a diary of my emotions and romantic relationships. Every picture is a postcard of a memory - they represent specifi situations that happened in my past or refer to the certain feelings that are portrayed in a symbolic way. Every picture is accompanied by a short text. Even though the stories are very personal, there’s a certain aspect of relatibilty that interests me.
